AR(auto-regressive)模型,亦即是自回归模型,是时间序列分析模型中最简单的两个模型其中之一(另一个是MA/Moving Average/滑动平均模型)。其原理是利用观测点前若干时刻的变量的线性组合来描述观测点后若干时刻变量的值,属于线性回归模型。AR(p)模型认为,任意时刻的观测值\(x_t\)取决于前面p个时刻的观测值加上一个误差,见下式:
\[x_t = \phi_0 + \phi_1x_{t-1} + \phi_2x_{t-2} + \dots + \phi_px_{t-p} + \varepsilon_t\]\(\varepsilon_t\)是均值为0,方差为\(\sigma^2\)的白噪声序列。
pip install tensorflow
def now():
return datetime.now().strftime("%m_%d_%H_%M_%s")
def parse_result_tf(tf_data):
parse the result of model output in tensorflow
:param tf_data: the output of tensorflow
:return: data in DataFrame format
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"ds": tf_data["times"].reshape(-1), "y": tf_data["mean"].reshape(-1)})
def generate_time_series(
start_date=datetime(2006, 1, 1),
cnt=4018, delta=timedelta(days=1), timestamp=False
generate a time series/index
:param start_date: start date
:param cnt: date count. If =cnt are specified, delta must not be; one is required
:param delta: time delta, default is one day.
:param timestamp: output timestamp or format string
:return: list of time string or timestamp
def per_delta():
curr = start_date
while curr < end_date:
yield curr
curr += delta
end_date = start_date + delta * cnt
time_series = []
if timestamp:
for t in per_delta():
for t in per_delta():
# print(t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
return time_series
def AR_predict_tf(train_data, evaluation_data, forecast_cnt=365, freq="D", model_dir=""):
predict time series with auto-regressive model in tensorflow
:param train_data: data use to train the model
:param evaluation_data: data use to evaluate the model
:param forecast_cnt: how many point needed to be predicted
:param freq: the interval between time index
:param model_dir: directory of pre-trained model(checkpoint, params)
model_directory = "./model/AR_%s" % now()
params = {
# periodicities of the input data, in the same units as the time feature.
# Note this can be a single value or a list of values for multiple periodicities.
"periodicities": 52,
# Number of past time steps of data to look at when doing the regression
"input_window_size": 12,
# Number of future time steps to predict. Note that setting it to > 1 empirically seems to give a better fit
"output_window_size": 5,
# The dimensionality of the time series (one for univariate, more than one for multivariate)
"num_features": 1,
# how many steps we train the model
"global_steps": 3000
# if there is a pre-trained model, use parameters from it
if model_dir:
model_directory = model_dir
params = read_model_param(model_dir + "/params.txt")
# create time index for model training(use int)
time_int = range(len(train_data) + len(evaluation_data))
data_train = {
tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES: time_int[:len(train_data)],
tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.VALUES: train_data["y"],
data_eval = {
tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES: time_int[len(train_data):],
tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.VALUES: evaluation_data["y"],
reader_train = NumpyReader(data_train)
reader_eval = NumpyReader(data_eval)
define in tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/python/timeseries/input_pipeline.py
Note window_size must equal to input_window_size + output_window_size
train_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.RandomWindowInputFn(
reader_train, batch_size=20, window_size=params["input_window_size"] + params["output_window_size"]
define in tensorflow.contrib.timeseries.python.timeseries.estimators
periodicities: periodicities of the input data, in the same units as the time feature.
Note this can be a single value or a list of values for multiple periodicities
num_features: The dimensionality of the time series (one for univariate, more than one for multivariate
website: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/timeseries/ARRegressor
estimator_ar = tf.contrib.timeseries.ARRegressor(
# only train the model when there is no pre-trained model
if not model_dir:
estimator_ar.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=params["global_steps"])
evaluation_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.WholeDatasetInputFn(reader_eval)
evaluation = estimator_ar.evaluate(input_fn=evaluation_input_fn, steps=1)
# Predict starting after the evaluation
(predictions,) = tuple(estimator_ar.predict(
evaluation, steps=forecast_cnt)))
save_model_param(model_directory, params)
if "loss" in evaluation.keys():
# mean loss per mini-batch
print("loss:%.5f" % evaluation["loss"])
f = open(model_directory + "/%s" % evaluation["loss"], "w")
average_loss=-1 if "average_loss" not in evaluation.keys() else evaluation["average_loss"],
evaluation = parse_result_tf(evaluation)
predictions = parse_result_tf(predictions)
# here we should add an offset which is related to window size due to the inherent attribute of AR
first_date = evaluation_data["ds"].tolist()[0] + \
delta_dict[freq] * (params["input_window_size"] + params["output_window_size"])
evaluation["ds"] = generate_time_series(first_date, cnt=len(evaluation), delta=delta_dict[freq])
latest_date = evaluation["ds"].tolist()[-1]
predictions["ds"] = generate_time_series(latest_date, cnt=len(predictions), delta=delta_dict[freq])
return evaluation, predictions
- periodicities:数据的周期性,这个周期可以是一个列表(数据拥有多个周期);
- input_window_size:输入的窗口大小,亦即是做回归分析的时候一次性观察多少个过去观测值;
- output_window_size:输出窗口的大小,亦即是一次预测多少个未来数据;
- num_features:时间序列的维度,亦即是一个时间点对应的观察值数量,同时分析多少个时间序列,这个值就为多少;
- model_dir:预训练模型保存的位置(可以不指定);
- loss:损失函数;
- steps:模型的训练迭代次数,这里设置为3000次。